
title: You may never know what's causing
all the traffic
category: exhibition text
context: Marina Sula, You may never know what's causing
all the traffic, CIAP Genk (19.06–11.09.2021)


“We urgently need books about our economic resources, about objects made by people, and about people that make objects,” in The biography of the object, Tretiakov pleads for a method of narrative construction that would resist the traditional ‘idealism of the novel.’ Instead of portraying the reality from a totalising perspective of an individual subject, the hero, he proposes to follow objects and their trajectories. 1 You may never know what’s causing all the traffic embraces this strategy on multiple levels—both in what it says and how it says it. 2 The artist, too, sides with the object, approaching it as a proxy for social relations and dynamics. She uses photography and installation as a vehicle to tell a story from multiple, non-aligning perspectives...


full text [PDF]
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